My carnivorous little boys, ages 5, 7 and 8, couldn't WAIT to try the Omaha Steaks' steaks from the Cooler Gift. Here, we opened 4 pieces of 5 oz Top Sirloin Steaks that came frozen and vacuum packed. Mama and her three sons bonded over the two-day process of thaw, marinate, grill and devour.
Beautiful and marbled, but so darn frozen, they needed a good thaw.
We patted and rubbed on some Spade L Ranch Beef Marinade and Seasoning, sealed it airtight in a ziplock bag and stored it in the cold fridge for the night.
Next day, lunch time! We pulled out the marinaded steaks, added oil, let them sit at room temperature for a short time and turned up the grill.
Oh YEAH... Throw the steaks on the grate. Listen to the sizzle. Leave it for a few minutes. We like our meat rare to medium-rare. Flip over to heat the topside. Check for sweet grill marks!
Gorgeous! Each bite was buttery, silky, savory, juicy, even crunchy with each bite, "bursting with bold beefy flavor..." The texture was so... so... incredibly tender yet perfectly chewy.
Mama and her three boys crowded around the bamboo cutting board snagging bites straight from the cutting board. We love Omaha Steaks! And we love Adamo!
What's on? Early 90s Social Distortion: "I fell into that BURNING ring of fire...and went down down DOWN and the flames went HIGHER...."
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