What is the secret behind Chinese stamina?! How on earth do they drink/work/play hard, perform to top-notch standards, and do it all on nearly NO sleep at all? How?! We took a euphoric culinary adventure and tutorial (some parts were like FOOD HEAVEN, some disturbing...) through the concepts, ingredients and methods of Traditional Chinese Medicine, TCM, aka alternative (holistic, etc.) medicine and supplements. After touring the local hospital that offered both Western treatments as well as TCM, we explored an exclusive area of Hangzhou dense in wellness shops and dined at one of the premier Traditional Chinese Medicine restaurants. (Yet, another overdue China post that got lost in the transfer.)
Traditional Chinese Medicine recipes involve many plant and animal products (which pose a problem for vegetarians/vegans), including even some endangered species. Even though synthetic equivalents of the active chemical in most species have been invented, most old-school Chinese still insist on the real deal. With such a demand, even now, the result is big money being made in the black market. Like any chemical, these ingredients must be properly treated and processed and there remains some risk of poisoning, contamination and allergic reactions.
The foundation of TCM stem way back to the books, teachings and doctors from an early era, before the Dynasties, before the 5th Century BC! Since TCM was organized by the government in 1950 under the rule of Chairman Mao Zedong (who established The People's Republic of China, what we call China today), strict laws (requiring testing/monitoring) have made TCM more standardized and much safer.
A typical TCM pharmacy resembles a sort of fossil-museum-restaurant, as almost all TCM "prescriptions" are recipes that depend on a TCM-specific trained chef to properly prep and cook the ingredients. Even at the local hospital in Hangzhou (pic below), where Western medicine and TCM are both practiced, the pharmacy still requires a kitchen.

The foundation of TCM stem way back to the books, teachings and doctors from an early era, before the Dynasties, before the 5th Century BC! Since TCM was organized by the government in 1950 under the rule of Chairman Mao Zedong (who established The People's Republic of China, what we call China today), strict laws (requiring testing/monitoring) have made TCM more standardized and much safer.
A typical TCM pharmacy resembles a sort of fossil-museum-restaurant, as almost all TCM "prescriptions" are recipes that depend on a TCM-specific trained chef to properly prep and cook the ingredients. Even at the local hospital in Hangzhou (pic below), where Western medicine and TCM are both practiced, the pharmacy still requires a kitchen.
Here (hospital in Hangzhou) the TCM Pharmacy fills prescriptions (hundreds per day) by cooking the medicine and then packaging them in the form of meals in sealed bags. Patients bring home cooked medicine doses/meals still hot.
Even with government-run hospitals supplying TCM products and services, people still seek out privately operated TCM stores throughout China and in Chinese communities all around the world.
Some important (and very hard-core!) products that TCM pharmacies carry (just sticking to the facts, k?) are: species of ginseng, the medicinal mushroom Língzhī, dried seahorse, rhinoceros horn, bear bile, bear gall bladders, turtle plastron (the flat belly part of the turtle), shark fin (for soup), dried snake, dried gecko, live frog parts, black centipedes, sea cucumber, elephant skin and eyeballs, leopard fat, porcupine stomach, wild boar teeth, monkey brains, dog penises, owls, every part of the deer, every part of the deer (most prized are the antlers, penis, testicles), every part of the tiger (most prized are the whiskers, eyes, nose, tail), every part of the bear (most prized are the gall bladder, liver, bile and paws), and so much more. Sorry if I made you nauseous with the list. I know, I know, it just sounds so....?!?!
Mushrooms! Thick empire mushrooms in caramel and medicine tasted like fresh abalone...amazing textures and flavors.
Frog Placenta soup. This was one of the weird dishes. I've had frog legs at Euro restaurants, but never placenta. This is the female afrodisiac soup that was served chilled. The cloudy white specks had no texture. It was something I've never had before as far as flavors, textures, chewy dark things (dates, maybe?!). Overall, it was delicious, really! One bright red gogi berry popped out of the bowl. Presentation is everything.
Nearing the end, I was told that our host went easy on the menu due to the number of us Westerners. By the end of the night, I could feel superpowers taking over my body. Seriously, no kidding! FYI: For about two months after this TCM-infested meal, I was operating at an awesome SUPER level on barely 3-5 hours of sleep a night. I am a believer! This was the most fantastic meal EVER!
This is an awesome post Lisa! Thanks.
ReplyDeleteWow, what is the name of this restaurant? Planning on visiting Hangzhao next May.
ReplyDeleteI am waiting for my China connection to get me the real name of the restaurant!
ReplyDeleteThank you!, atiently waiting... My trip is not until next May :).
ReplyDeleteYou know, have been researching TCM for some time, and today I said to myself, "I am not too confident to make the healing food recipes myself, I wish someone would create a restaurant that served TCM dishes." And I found this blog. Wouldn't you know it, I asked the question and in 5 seconds I got my answer. I wonder if there is one in the USA. Anyway I don't mind traveling to China.
ReplyDeleteDo you know the name of the TCM Restaurant?
ReplyDeleteI'm a student of MTC in Geneva in Switzerland and I love your post !
Maybe, I will to go Hangzhou for my studying and I would like to know the name of this restaurant !
ReplyDeleteI would like to know the name of this restaurant please because I^m a student in TCM in Geneva and I would like to create the same restaurant !